Introduction to Lines, angles, triangles:
Normally angle is the shape in the geometry. They are special forms of the angle is obtainable in the math. These special forms of the angle are specified below:
Right angle- exact of the 90 degree is known as right angle.
Acute angle - minor than 90 degree is known acute angle
Obtuse angle – upper than 90 degree and lower than 180 degrees is known as obtuse angle.
Straight angle –the angle measurement 180 degree that is the straight line
Reflex angle –the angle measurement is 360 degree is the reflex angle
Complete angle – the angle measurement is the 90 degree of the angle is the complete angle.

The angle is the combination of the two lines with the common end points. The correspondence is the vertex, and face is also legs. The face diagram is formed by connecting three points is called the triangles (lines are straight line). The line is also defining the straight line. Do you know what is acute triangle .Already learning about the line is the geometry shape. In the following we are learning about the lines, angles, triangles.
In the subsequent we are learning about angles.Normally angle is the shape in the geometry. They are special forms of the angle is obtainable in the math. These special forms of the angle are specified below:
Right angle- exact of the 90 degree is known as right angle.
Acute angle - minor than 90 degree is known acute angle
Obtuse angle – upper than 90 degree and lower than 180 degrees is known as obtuse angle.
Straight angle –the angle measurement 180 degree that is the straight line
Reflex angle –the angle measurement is 360 degree is the reflex angle
Complete angle – the angle measurement is the 90 degree of the angle is the complete angle.
The triangle has the 3 surfaces and 3 angles. The different types of the triangles are available. These are given below and find more help on acute triangle problems :- Isosceles triangle
- Equilateral triangle
- Scalene triangle
- Right triangle
- Obtuse triangle
- Acute triangle
- Learn Only mathematics
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